1595272090 _1698812858 all doi's under the current journal element ISSN "25794817" has already been assigned, title/issn: Journal of Aquaculture Science/25794817 is owned by publisher: 10.31093 all doi's under the current journal element ISSN "25794817" has already been assigned, title/issn: Journal of Aquaculture Science/25794817 is owned by publisher: 10.31093 all doi's under the current journal element ISSN "25794817" has already been assigned, title/issn: Journal of Aquaculture Science/25794817 is owned by publisher: 10.31093 all doi's under the current journal element ISSN "25794817" has already been assigned, title/issn: Journal of Aquaculture Science/25794817 is owned by publisher: 10.31093 all doi's under the current journal element ISSN "25794817" has already been assigned, title/issn: Journal of Aquaculture Science/25794817 is owned by publisher: 10.31093 all doi's under the current journal element ISSN "25794817" has already been assigned, title/issn: Journal of Aquaculture Science/25794817 is owned by publisher: 10.31093 6 0 0 6