Thanks for your message, and welcome to the community forum.
We do have a bug in the REST API indexing that is impacting a small percentage of registrations each day. It looks like the DOIs on your list are some of those DOIs. To be clear, the DOIs were successfully registered, but did not get indexed by our REST API. They are already in our XML API:
I have added your example to the ticket our technical team is using to monitor the bug with indexing. Our technical team is actively working on a fix for this issue. It’s the highest priority ticket with our developer Carlos.
Hi Issac, I don’t seem to find the title of the journal articles in the xml data either. I’ve tried many of the dois in the list above (as well as the link you sent above).
I believe that all of the DOIs in my original post are journal-article-level DOIs. Using the one in your example above (DOI: 10.1023/A:1020893515049 ; I don;t seem to have permissions to post links to the API)
The title of the article can be found on the journal website: “Uranium sorption on amorphous titanium and zirconium phosphates modified by Al3+ or Fe3+ ions”. As I mentioned in the original post, that information is not returned by either of the APIs.
Hi @bms . I’ve provided you with privileges to post links. We have a number of spam-prevention measures in place on the community forum, but we still get a few requests each day to post spam from new users, so we restrict new users ability to post links for a short period of time. Apologies for that extra hoop. It shouldn’t be an issue for you now.
I believe that all of the DOIs in my original post are journal-article-level DOIs.
They’re not (at least they’re not registered with us as journal articles). DOIs 10.1111/jpn.v107.4 and 10.1002/eost.v69.44 and 10.1111/acfi.v63.5 are registered as issue-level DOIs. I haven’t checked all of the DOIs on your original list, but the ones on prefixes 10.1002 and 10.1111 have all been registered as journal-issue-level DOIs thus far.
On DOI: 10.1023/A:1020893515049
No journal-article title was registered with us for DOI 10.1023/A:1020893515049. That’s why it is not appearing in the XML API metadata record. Springer Science and Business Media LLC did not include journal-article titles for this DOI in their registration.
Hi @bms . Looks like Carlos on our technical team has pushed a number of these that were not appearing earlier today; and, now they are present in the REST API: