Crossref LIVE Russian: The Value and Use of Crossref Metadata

Специальное мероприятие Crossref Live Russia 17 сентября 2021 г. Начало трансляции в 10.00 (время московское).

Онлайн-трансляция организована при поддержке НЭИКОН в рамках Специального мероприятия “Научная информация и научные ресурсы в условиях локдауна 2020-2021”.

Во время трансляции будут обсуждаться следующие вопросы:

  • регистрация контента в Crossref;
  • важность метаданных для Crossref: качество и количество;
  • как улучшить метаданные?
  • где получить помощь и поддержку.

Зарегистрируйтесь здесь

Please join us for the upcoming Crossref LIVE Russian: The Value and Use of Crossref Metadata. The webinar will be held on September 17, 2021 at 10.00 (Moscow time UTC+3).

This online event is organized in collaboration with NEICON and takes place within the framework of the wider conference “Scientific information and scientific resources in the conditions of the lockdown 2020-2021”.

During the webinar we will cover:

  • Content Registration at Crossref
  • The importance of Crossref metadata: Quality and Quantity
  • How to improve your metadata
  • Where to find further help and support

The webinar will be presented in Russian and will last approximately 60 minutes including time for questions. Slides and recording will be made available afterwards Attendance is free of charge.

Register here.

Feel free to ask any questions or leave any comments prior to the event here.


Thanks to all those who joined us on the 17th September for our LIVE Russian event. We had over 200 attendees with lots of discussion and questions.

You find the slides, recording and a copy of the Q&A in both Russian and English below:

Kind regards,
