Known working DOI gives "resource not found" in Crossref API

I have a working DOI for an article published in March 2023, that redirects as expected to the article on arXiv:


But trying to access the same DOI via Crossref API (REST or XML) fails with ‘no resource found’ . I have successfully retrieved other DOIs using the same url syntax I’m using for this one, so I believe there is something wrong with the DOI itself in the crossref DB.

I used the xml to try to check for an aliased doi, as per another post on this forum, but since the xml doesn’t return results, I can’t tell if it is aliased.

Thanks for your help!

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Hello @LDegoursacLBL ,

Many thanks for your post.

That DOI is actually a Datacite DOI and so it would not show in the REST API or any of the Crossref search tools.

You can check the agency (RA) against a DOI by adding the DOI in the link below:{DOI}/agency

I hope this helps.

Many thanks,