I’m a newbie, I tried using Metada Manager beta, to deposit articles for our journal (International Journal of Geoinformatics IJG) DOI: 10.52939/ijg
I was able to successfully deposit few articles.
However, as I mistakenly added the same Journal, I accidentally deleted the Journal the original Journal I created and when I tried to deposit new articles from the new Journal, there was no error but I cannot see whether it was accepted/successful or not. Also cannot see in the deposit history.
Hope somebody can help me out.
Thanks in advance.
Hello @ijglance, welcome.
Have you tried importing this journal?
When you log into Metadata Manager, at the top, there is a field to import any DOI already registered.
Write the name of the journal you want to import.
Hope this helps
Hi @ijglance ,
Thanks for your question and for joining our community forum. Welcome! @abec thanks for your response - very helpful!
@ijglance , I assume nothing changed from version 1 to version 2 of the journal? Just a mistake with accidentally deleting it? If nothing changed (title isn’t different, ISSNs and journal-title-level DOIs are the same), then you should be able to import the articles that you registered using version 1 of the journal into version 2 by searching for the article in your workspace.
Let me know if anything changed. If not, are you able to search for and add those previously registered articles (using title or DOI) to your workspace for the newly created version of the journal?
My best,
Thanks abec for the response.
Yes, I tried to import / add new record/article, but every time i moved to deposit and then deposit it, it says successful but it did not show in the accepted or even in deposit history
and then when i checked in crossref webdeposit form, it says DOI does not exist
Hi ifarley,
yes both versions are the same, but the first one i created i was able to deposit successfully and it shows in the accepted and deposit history. but i mistakenly deleted it. https://doi.org/10.52939/ijg.v17i1.1697
the version 2, same journal DOI, issn, it seem to work the process of adding new record/article up to moving to deposit and depositing it. however, afterwards, there’s nothing, no records in the accepted and no deposit history.
i tried in the web deposit form to check the journal level DOI, now it says DOI does not exist
Journal DOI: 10.52939/ijg
Please advise
Dear Crossref,
If DOI 10.52939/ijg is not resolved, will it be possible to change DOI? If possible make it 10.52939/ijgeoinfo or 10.52939/26730014 (doi suffix=issn) either is fine whichever works.
Please advise and thanks in advance.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><doi_batch_diagnostic status=“completed” sp=“ds4.crossref.org”>
<record_diagnostic status=“Failure”>
Deposit contains title error: The journal has a different DOI assigned; If you want to change the journals DOI please contact Crossref support: title={0}; current-doi={1}; deposited-doi={2}
A different journal-title-level DOI was previously registered for this journal. I have reset it and successfully reprocessed your submission. DOI 10.52939/ijg has now been registered, as you can see here: International Journal of Geoinformatics
Please let me know if you have any additional questions.
Kind regards,
Dear ifarley,
This is great! Thanks a lot for helping me resolving this issue.
I will start working on this and will let you know if there’s another issue, hopefully not anymore.
Hi ifarley,
This DOI https://doi.org/10.52939/ijg.v17i2.1749
was not deposited using metadata manager, i think it was webdeposit form
how can i edit the contents/metadata? the article URL is International Journal of Geoinformatics
instead of Spatial Rainfall Rate Estimation from Multi-Source Data in Klang Valley, Malaysia | International Journal of Geoinformatics
I tried in metadata manager but cannot proceed due to conflict of DOI
How can i change or edit it?
Thanks in advance.
Hi @ijglance
I will try to help you update this URL through OJS.
I assume your OJS already has the Crossref plugin configured. If not, let me know.
To update or deposit the DOI:
Go to Tools-> Import/export-> CrossRef XML Export Plugin.
Click the Articles tab, search for this article you want to update, select it and click the blue button.
Thanks abec,
Still i cannot resolve this using ojs as there’s no option to edit the DOI link to url.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.52939/ijg.v17i2.1749
Current url link: International Journal of Geoinformatics
Correct url link:Spatial Rainfall Rate Estimation from Multi-Source Data in Klang Valley, Malaysia | International Journal of Geoinformatics
Any other way to edit the url link?
Many thanks
Hi @ijglance
But you don’t need to edit, just follow the procedure I mentioned earlier.
OJS sends the current URL where the DOI is set.
Hi @ijglance,
I have updated the resolution URL for you, as you can see here: https://doi.org/10.52939/ijg.v17i2.1749
Many thanks Isaac!
How about the fees for these DOIs? We only deposited DOIs for these 3 issues:
Hello @ijglance,
All of this content looks like current content - we define that as anything published in the current year and two previous calendar years (so anything published in 2021, 2020, and 2019).
Here’s the metadata record of one of your DOIs (10.52939/ijg.v17i3.1893) from https://journals.sfu.ca/ijg/index.php/journal/issue/view/225:
Spatio -Temporal Assessments of Rainfall Variability and Trends in the Highlands to Coastal Regions of Papua New Guinea
Our content registration fees are available here:
These DOIs are registered as current journal articles, so the cost for the registrations is $1 USD per DOI. These fees are usually billed quarterly in arrears, so you should expect to receive an invoice with the registration fees at the end of each quarter of the year.
Please let me know if you have any additional questions.
Kind regards,