I want to put a citation count box as like Scopus in our website and I searched for citation count API in crossref but not able to find it.
Please guide me Where I can get the citation count API and how I can embed it in our website?
I am not much familiar with code and programmes so, please guide me in a simple way.
Thanks for your question. First thing to consider, are you depositing references with us? If you can provide me your DOI prefix, I can take a closer look at your metadata. For a complete overview of the cited-by service, check out this page: https://www.crossref.org/services/cited-by/. There’s a short, introductory video that will help set the foundation for the service on that page. We also have some new one-page fact sheets on our services. Here’s the fact sheet for the cited-by service: https://www.crossref.org/pdfs/about-cited-by.pdf
Since you meet the obligation of depositing your references with us, the next step in the process is to contact our member services team at member@crossref.org to sign up for our cited-by service.
Once you’re signed up, instructions to query for cited-by matches can be found here:
As a note, there is no out-of-the-box display component (e.g., a cited-by display widget) for the cited-by service.
This is cool, I have been asking myself the same lately
Isaac, as you said, there is no out of the box display component (cited by display widget) for the cited by service. However, is this something we should expect for the future? Or this is not really a plan? haha…
We do not have plans to create something like that. It’s not on our roadmap. That said, if you would like to suggest that we consider developing something like this, I invite you to create an issue in our public-facing issue tracker on Gitlab so that we can consider it. You can open an issue here: https://gitlab.com/crossref/issues/issues
We’re also hoping to talk to PKP about how we might work with them on something like this - there used to be a Cited-by plug-in in OJS, but unfortunately it no longer works - but I think that might be a nice solution for those who do use that platform? We’ll of course update if we make progress on that.
I have seen that Scopus citation count display widget is working so, nice. We have to develop something like this as most of authors are curious about this widget.