Would like you to check query for partner journals, as it is not very performant

We had requested access to query data from 2 of our partner journals, we were granted an account and have compiled a query to pull the information needed. One of the journals works better than the other, but both will be very difficult for us to pull data going back to the beginning of the journal due to performance. Once we pull all and get caught up, we plan to pull on a regular basis to get any additions. Can you please take a look at my queries and see what I may be doing wrong?

Physiological Reports - takes between 1 and 90 seconds (I blanked out u/p)

Function - takes 20 seconds - 20 minutes (I blanked out u/p)

Thank you!

Hi Michelle,

Thanks for your questions.

At a first glance, it looks like you’re mixing up some of the syntax for queries against our REST API with syntax for using that /getForwardLinks query for the Cited-by service.

In particular, the mailto= and journal= parameters that you have in your example queries are not supported by the Cited-by service using /getForwardLinks. They won’t break the request you’re making, but they won’t do anything either. In particular, you cannot limit the cited-by results to just one particular journal by adding journal={ISSN}

If you’re requesting all the citation assertions for all DOIs on a single prefix, the only way to get a faster response is to further narrow down the date range. Instead of startDate=2023-01-01&endDate=2023-01-05, you’ll probably have an easier time going day by day, so: startDate=2023-01-01&endDate=2023-01-01

But, you may find it faster and more efficient to query one DOI at a time, rather than all DOIs on a given prefix, especially if you’re only looking for the content from two individual journals.

Or, you might find it useful to try the OAI-PMH query method instead, which does let you query for just one journal at a time, rather than the whole prefix.

For example, the SetSpec for the journal Function (ISSN 2633-8823) is J:10.1093:390920 so, this would be the equivalent of your second example:


Please let me know if you need any other clarification or assistance.


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