About the Welcome to the Crossref Community Forum! category

Welcome to the Crossref Community!

We believe things are best achieved by working together. We hope this community forum will offer a new, open, collaborative way of working; enhancing idea sharing and improving our existing support and communication channels with our members and the wider public.

Our aims are to make it easier for you to find solutions to any problems you encounter, either in previous posts by others, navigating to FAQ’s and related support documentation, or by posting a new topic to be answered by one of our team, a Crossref Ambassador or another community member.

Become part of the conversation - share your expertise, tips and experiences. Use your knowledge to help other members of the community. You can also stay up to date with any upcoming events both from Crossref and in the wider industry, take part in discussions during events and provide feedback for future ones, let us know your thoughts on our plans and new developments, take part in beta-testing, make connections with other members, get feedback on your own projects and learn what others are working on.

We have put together some Community Guidelines.pdf (60.2 KB) and a How to use the Crossref Community.pdf (1.3 MB) guide to help you get started. If you have any questions about the community forum itself and how to use it, this is the place to ask.


Thank you for sharing…

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Thank you so much for helping us.

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