Available content types and selecting a content type

Currently we publish both posters and webinars. What is the most appropriate content type for these? Our platform for posters has ended up functioning as a diamond OA repository, very similar to preprint servers.

Is Crossref planning to expand the content types into more multimedia that would be better suited to webinars, posters, video abstracts, etc.?

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Hi @clarkaccdon ,

Thanks for your message, and welcome to the Community Forum.

Are the posters you’re wanting to register more virtual conference posters or are they more like an infographic? Can you provide me with an example so I can review?

While we don’t have a content type that is specific to webinars, here’s an example of a Crossref DOI of a webinar that I assisted with that we registered: Crossref Annual Meeting LIVE22 presentation

As you can see, we registered the webinar as a report, which is a good option.

Historically, we’ve varied in how much much we’ve emphasized conformity to the content types versus more permissiveness in sort of ‘shoehorning’ non-supported content into some other type.

We often recommend registering any of these ‘misc’ content types as datasets, simply because the dataset metadata in our schema is quite minimal and open-ended, but reports is a good fit for webinars and we may have a more appropriate content type for your posters, depending on the example you provide.

We do plan on expanding the content types we support, so whenever we add support for, say, video content, you could update the metadata for those DOIs to recategorize them using the new content type.


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