Content Registration
Grant Registration This sub-category is here for our community to discuss general questions about registering research grant records and metadata with us. Funders have recently started joining as Crossref members to register and distribute open metadata (attached to a DOI) for their grants so that they can more easily and accurately track the outputs connected to the research they support and measure reach and return. The relationship between support for research and the outcomes of that support is of increasing importance to the entire open research community. OJS Users This category is a place users of the Open Journal Systems (OJS) platform and Crossref plug-in can discuss any issues and challenges, share their experiences and discuss any news or upcoming developments. OJS is a journal management and publishing system that has been developed by the Public Knowledge Project. PKP is working with Crossref to improve the level of overall DOI export support provided within OJS. Web Deposit Form The Web Deposit Form is suitable for making small numbers of deposits, and you do not need any knowledge of XML to use it. You can use the form to deposit metadata for journals, books, conference proceedings, reports, and dissertations. You can also upload NLM or JATS-formatted XML to this form. XML Deposit There are three ways to deposit metadata to Crossref as XML: Metadata Manager Metadata Manager offers a simple way to deposit and update metadata for journal content, for both single and multiple deposits. Start from Metadata Manager, and enter your Crossref username and password. If you have forgotten your username or password, please contact us to retrieve them. New members New Crossref members! Do you have questions about constructing your DOIs, registering your metadata using our web deposit form or the Crossref XML Plugin for OJS, want to review sample XML files, or anything in between? Post here and someone will get back to you soon.