Registering journal_issues and journal_articles in xml


I’m quite new to crossref and I have to register all articles previously published in several issues from one journal.
The examples given in the documentation look like this :

<journal_article publication_type=“full_text”>
<journal_article publication_type=“full_text”>

and then another issue

<journal_article publication_type=“full_text”>
<journal_article publication_type=“full_text”>

My question is : is it possible to first list all the issues and then all the articles ? Something like this :
<journal_article publication_type=“full_text”>
<journal_article publication_type=“full_text”>

And I have another question related to the other one : is there a way (and shall I) indicate in wich issue an article has been published ?

Sorry for my english…

Thank a lot and best regards,

Hi @fabula ,

Thanks for your message. I always find that our XML samples are helpful for questions like this - I always like to see an example. Does this help: best-practice-examples/journal.article5.3.0.xml · master · crossref / Schema · GitLab ?

That example should answer your question about publication dates, too.

If you have others, please do let me know,

Hi Isaac,

Thanks for your message. The examples are very usefull and I’ve read them but in this case it doesn’t help. I think it is because my question is probably not relevent.
In your examples there is just <journal_article></journal article> tags series and no <journal_issue></journal_issue> at all.

My question is about the order in the xml file between <journal_issue> and <journal_article> tags.

For example, if I have 2 issues with 3 articles in each, is it important or is it not to do something like :

Option 1: we declare each issue and then its articles

<journal_issue>[ infos for issue n°1 ]</journal_issue>
<journal_article></journal article> [article series of n°1]
<journal_article></journal article>
<journal_article></journal article>
<journal_issue>[ infos for issue n°2 ]</journal_issue>
<journal_article></journal article> [article series of n°2]
<journal_article></journal article>
<journal_article></journal article>

Option 2: we declare all issues and then all articles

<journal_issue>[ infos for issue n°1 ]</journal_issue>
<journal_issue>[ infos for issue n°2 ]</journal_issue>

<journal_article></journal article> [article series of n°1]
<journal_article></journal article>
<journal_article></journal article>
<journal_article></journal article> [article series of n°2]
<journal_article></journal article>
<journal_article></journal article>

For technical reasons, Option 2 is easier to get in my particular case. So if Option 1 or Option 2 does the same, I prefer to choose Option 2.

My other question was about any specific tag to say : the article with this DOI is part of this issue with this other DOI. I’ve read something about it in documentation but I’m not sure because the examples give list of issues and list of articles without any hierarchical relation between them.

Thanks again,

Hi @fabula ,

This example does have journal issue metadata in it, which will provide you an example you can follow: best-practice-examples/journal_article_4.8.0.xml · master · crossref / Schema · GitLab

In your example, option 1 is correct.

My best,