We have a series of documentary films created by a class on campus that we are posting to our institutional repository. Is there a way to create DOIs for such objects in CrossRef? I can’t find anything in the documentaiton.
Thank you.
Hi Francesca,
Thanks for your message.
We don’t yet have a defined content type for audiovisual materials like films, though we hope to add support for that in the future.
If you are a member of Crossref, you could register films using either the Posted Content type with the subtype “other” or using the Dataset content type.
Posted Content with subtype “other” is closest/most accurate to your content, and Dataset has historically been used as something of a ‘catch all’ category because the required metadata is minimal and fairly flexible.
The one caveat is that both Posted content and Datasets can only be registered if you can construct and submit the XML yourself. They’re not supported by our manual, metadata deposit form.
Please let me know if you have any other questions.