Clarification around contributor roles ( notably editor vs reader vs reviewer)

Hi all,

I am writing this as I just wanted to clarify this information and could not seem to find the answers in the existing documentation.

I would like to credit a copy editor as contributor (in a XML deposit of a journal article).
These are the contributor values: “author, editor, chair, reviewer, review-assistant, stats-reviewer, reviewer-external, reader, translator.”

What is the difference between “reader” and “reviewer”? Is there a page that details these roles?
And in this particular case, which role would best correspond to a copy editor who has proofread an article?

With this question, I am also assuming that the “editor” role is related to the entity of journal editor ( not copy editor), is this assumption correct?

Thank you in advance !


Hi Yasmin,

Thanks for your questions.

What is the difference between “reader” and “reviewer”? Is there a page that details these roles?

Both reader and reviewer are roles that pertain specifically to the Peer Review content type. They’re different roles in the peer review process, and really aren’t intended to be used for contributors to other types of content.

And in this particular case, which role would best correspond to a copy editor who has proofread an article?

There really isn’t a suitable role for a copy editor that’s supported in our schema currently.

We do have plans to expand the contributor roles to incorporate the CRediT taxonomy in a future schema update, but I can’t give you a concrete date when that will become available.

With this question, I am also assuming that the “editor” role is related to the entity of journal editor ( not copy editor), is this assumption correct?

That is typically how it’s used, yes.

Please let me know if you have any other questions.
